Thursday, February 18, 2010

To iPad or not to iPad

I'm obsessed with getting and iPad....

This may sound weird to people....but it's not all that unusual for me to be obsessed with some type of technological gadget. As a kid, we were the first family on the block to have cable....we're talking 1973. I got my first Texas Instruments Calculator when I was 7. That doesn't sounds like a big deal now, but it was $50 had a cool red LED readout. We had the Odessey gaming system...which was the very first home gaming system (think pong with an english knob). This was a good 7 years before the Atari 2600 came out.....and I had that too.

That's right...I'm blaming my parents for my need for the newest technology. It helps me to sleep at night.

As I grew into adulthood, I was in early in getting a PC, was the first person O knew to have a cell phone...or more specifically a car phone. Yes...I had a phone that was hard wired into my Honda Civic. It was unbelievably expensive, but very cool. I jumped into getting an early was a phone that you could flip into a Palm Pilot. The only thing that stopped me from jumping in earlier was price....I just never made quite enough money to be on the leading I had to settle with being in the first 20% or so. It killed my to wait that long....but I survived.

Since Mags was's become harder and harder to justify getting cutting edge electronics. I waited a couple of years before my first ipod...sattelite radio, and my first laptop. Diapers and formula....then later books and dance class were more of a priority than a Wii or an iPhone (I still have netiher).

Then came the iPad. I saw a story about it after the Apple Launch event and I just have to have one. I think about it every day. It's insane....but I can't help it.

I mean....I'm obsessed. I downloaded the Apple Keynote podcasty and watched hour and a half. I watched their promotional video three times and I've read at least 50 stories about it calling it the next revolutionary product...or a piece of shit. I even sold my need for that, I'll be using my iPad instead.

Let's look at it. HD Video, my entire music collection, ebooks....I love ebooks. No need to ever shop for books at B&N again...and it'll make moving a whole bunch easier. The best part....I'll have an email client, web browser, and pretty much everything else I need in one small, light package. I must say...I have an ipod touch now...and I use it for all of these things. It's amazing...but the screen is too small to make it convenient for some of these things. This will probably be the only thing I carry with me everywhere, and I'll have them put it in my coffin when I die. That is unless Mags swipes it.....she seems to have picked up on Daddy's addicition to cool electronics.

No...I'll be pitching a tent outside of the Apple Store at the end of March. You'll find me at the front of the line looking haggard from lack of food and sleep. I need my iPad........

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