I think I may be one of the only people I know that thinks bodybuilding is cool.
Most people look at these unproportionately enourmous guys and think they're freaks. Thy're drugged up 'roid boys who shoot up with enough testosterone and human growth hormone, and the juice from a bull's testicles and whatever else fits into the syringe and become that way. While's there is a bit of truth in that (always wanted to try bull testicle juice), there is a lot more than that involved.
The #1 thing it takes to be a successful bodybuilder is disciplne. And I'm not talking about doing your homework afterschool and take out the trash without being told discipline, I'm talking about Navy Seal discipline. You have to get to the gym five times a week no matter how you feel and push really heavy weight around....and that's the easy part.
It's all about your diet. If you want to look good on stage in front of hundreds, or perhaps thousands of people, you must have a clean diet for months. And that's only if you haven't completely let yourself go....then it's years.
I have never been the most self-disciplined person on the planet. I have at times in small spurts shown the ability to focus enough to achieve something....but I have never committed to something that took intense personal focus over an extended period of time, like it would take to become a bodybuilder. Maybe that's because when I was young, I never had to study, and maybe its because i'm inherently a little on the lazy side.....but even when I lost a lot of weight 5 years ago...I never got below a certain point....and I knew it would be a matter of time before I gained it back.
So....in my infinate wisdom I have decided to publically make this decree:
I will enter a bodybuilding contest in 2011. In fact, the one I'm targeting is the Sportfest contest that happens in July in the Lehigh Valley. This gives everyone I know an opportunity to show up and ridicule me as much as they want. Although I would understand that the idea of seeing me wearing one of those banana hammock shorts things may be too much for many of them.
So...how is this going to happen? Anyone who has seen me lately certainly knows I should not be shirtless anywhere. I weighed in 2 weeks ago at a shade under 280lbs., which would be perfect if I was 7' 2", but is just ever so slightly overweight on my 5' 9" frame (and I'm being generous on those 9").
I'm looking at three different phases to make this happen.
Phase 1 - (Now until Halloween)
Lose the initial 60+ lbs. Believe it or not, I'm looking at this as the easiest of the three phases. I've lost that kind of weight before, although this time I'm looking at a little less working out and a lot better diet. If I can get down below 220, I actually look and feel pretty good, although the doctor would tell you I'm still obese at 220. This will take me living in the realm of the 1,500 - 1,800 calorie diet, while exercising 5-6 days a week with both strength training and cardio. Anyone who sees me at a fast food restaurant or eating some pie in the next 5months needs to hit me with a baseball bat.
Phase 2 - (November 1 - February 28)
While still lessening my body fat, gain some significant size. I'll increase my calories to around 2,500....mostly protein, while really pushing some big weight around. Hopefully during the first phase I can get some of my strength back, so when it's time to grow....I'm ready. I have a classic endomorphic body, so gaining size was never a problem for me. The trick is to not keep the layer of fat while building the muscle. Can anyone say....hours and hours on the eliptical?
Phase 3 - (March 1 - contest)
This is what will either make me a laughing stock....or perhaps a contender. I need to get incredibly lean....while keeping the size I built. You see...if I'm still 200+, I'll be carrying 12-15% body fat....and I'll need to get down around 6%. I can put my body into ketosis for a while.....eating only protein and fat, but you can only do that for around 6 weeks. This is the part I'll need some professional help with.....but it's pretty far away, so I have some time to do my research.
So...why do this? I need a goal. Something to focus on. I haven't achieved anything in a while...particularly of a physical nature, so this sounded like a good challenge. Well...it was either this or a triathalon, and I HATE running, so bodybuidling wins. And entering a Masters 40+ Novice event, I won't need to look like Arnold, just bigger and a LOT less fat than I currently am.
Wish me luck.....or make fun of me, I'm up for both.
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Best of luck to you! I know you can do this.