I’ve been struggling to find my next blog topic, so I thought I’d write some brief thoughts on a bunch of stuff:
I finally watched Star Trek…the JJ Abrams film from last summer. It was awesome….best film I’ve seen in a while. I was amazed just how many times Kirk took an ass whipping in that film. And the homage to our buddy Jim having sex with the green chick, priceless!
How do Matt and Trey keep being funny after 14 seasons? Some of their swings miss, but far more hit the ball right out of the park. Their take on Catcher in the Rye being a banned book was dead on….and hysterical.
The concept of “It’s better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission” is great….until you’re the person who being begged for forgiveness. I just love being completely ignored….and then you get the weak sauce explanation and apology.
I think McDonald’s has spiked their food with some sort of addictive substance. I never had a craving to smoke, and walking away from a drink is no problem, but giving up Big Macs feels like going off heroin to me. And yes….I always want fries with that.
So we’ve now degenerated to the point where Congressman are calling colleagues “baby killers” in open session. That’s become okay? Really!? And Sarah Palin has her own movement….and is shaping the country in her image? I don’t pretend to be the sharpest tool in the shed, but if we were splitting the country into halves…..smartest on the left and dumbest on the right….I’d be hanging with Michu Kaku…..and Palin would be dating Gump. I’m voting for the person I can have coffee with and disagree with, without getting a brick through my window. Oh, and the person has to be smarter than a goldfish.
Is it sad that I am longingly tracking my iPad on the UPS site? I check it everyday just watching it get a little closer to me. I will be parked on my couch on Saturday until the doorbell rings and I finally get my prize. It’s a little like being 8 years old and asking, “Are we there yet” every ten minutes when going on a car trip.
Does anyone else think that in 30 years we’ll be embarrassed about the way we’re handling gay issues? I look back at the way we handled African Americans in the 40’s through 70’s and I just shake my head. I really think when I’m old and my daughter’s generation is running the show, they’ll be wondering what all the fuss was about.
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Heh. My odds and ends to yours...
ReplyDeleteRe: Star Trek - I watched the *hell* out of that movie. For someone who probably only watches about two flicks a year, that one was awesome. Being as much of a geek as I am, I expected to hate it, and loved it - because hey, two Spocks are always better than one.
So, does that mean that instead of asking if it's okay to punch someone in the mouth, I should just do it, and then say I'm sorry I broke their jaw? I like it! I've been holding back up to this point because I've never been quite sure how to initiate that conversation, but...
I read on CNN the other day that recent studies have shown that fatty foods are literally addictive for some people. My fat ass will take that excuse and run (well, stagger in a wheezing limp) with that excuse. I also feel exactly the way you've described about Shamrock Shakes, even though they look like nuclear waste. It's a good thing they're only available one month out of the year.
Someone at work yesterday suggested it would be loads of laughs if Sarah Palin actually did run for President. I told him to bite his tongue, because we're just screwed up enough as a nation to elect this whack job. This is, after all, the same group of folks who elect reps like Michelle Bachmann from Minnesota, who thinks you shouldn't answer the Census because it will land you in a work camp, or Hank Johnson from Georgia, who thinks that Guam may tip over and capsize from over population. Honestly, can we just change the name of our country to Dumbfuckistan?
I know I'm behind the times re: tech, but shouldn't the iPad at least have USB ports? I'm not buying something that doesn't have USB ports.
I'm not even sure why gay rights issues are even still a discussion. People say this is generational, but how can it be when half the people in *our* generation have figured out that just because someone thinks, feels, or believes differently than you, they're still people, and the other half are brain-dead idiots?
This reminds me so much of the girl I used to work with who wouldn't speak to me for three weeks every time *I* got a raise. Um, honey, my salary increases have nothing to do with your earning potential. Want a raise? Work better. Gay marriage rights don't impede straight marriage rights. If straight people feel their marriages are threatened, maybe they should marry better.
And on a random note, Go Duke.