Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Michael Moore is a ...

Michael Moore is a ...

You can fill in the blank. Genius, fraud, exceptional filmmaker, total hypocryte. It's amazing! You mention the name Michael Moore and that's what you'll immediately get. Michael Moore is a ...

I've seen all of Michael Moore's films, even the his second film....which was complete garbage. You know...the one he never talks about. Anyway....all of his films have pretty much the same formula. He takes a topic like gun control, or problems with the health care system, or Wall Street...pretty easy and broad topics to discuss. He starts with a premise....guns are bad, health care is bad....and he finds facts to support these premises. His films use humor, comparisons with other countries, and a couple of poingnent situations to set up the big reveal....the thing that hits you in the gut.

Most people who come to his films are like me.,...people who appreciate his work and enjoy the way he conveys his point of view. My problem is with the two other types of people who attend; The die hard Michael Moore lovers and haters.

The Michael Moore lovers are the vocal majority in the theatre. They've drank the Kool-aid...they believe everything stated in his films are completely true is the context he states them. The US is an awful place and if you see this film, you'll know why.

The others are the haters....Michael Moore is everything that's wrong with our country. He's a lying, coniving communist who is trying to subvert the US Government. His films should be banned.

I must say...I do enjoy talking to both of these group of people. They have such passion, as misguided as it is.....The height is passions was during Farenheit 911 when I saw two people who were great freinds get into a screaming match over the right to play this film. I even received a hate note written with purple crayon from a 75 year old woman about the how Michael Moore was Satan.

Michael Moore is a filmmaker....and a pretty successful one at that. His films have a specific point of view...and while I have never seen it proven that he's lied in a film....let's face it, this guy is a master of spinning facts to make his point. Taking quotes and facts out of context if very effective. But....many of his situations and facts are completely true. It's not like anyone can really argue that two kids, who got access to guns, really did kill lots of people in Columbine, CO. Or....that the deterioration of GM in Flint, Michigan did leave a city with 40%+ unemployment.

What's my I really need one, this is a blog. point is....enjoy his movies....or don't. If you go see Capitalism: A Love Story, take it for what it is....a documentary that can create discourse about the problems with our financial system. Or....if you hate Michael Moore...go see something else. Maybe a nice comedy. But...let's face it, Michael Moore is not the Anti-Christ, or a genius.....He's just a fat guy who's made a ton of money making movies.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't seen any of his movies, but my dad has and keeps recommending I watch Sicko. Of course, my dad has had so many problems with the health care system with his Lyme disease... One of these days I may get the time to check it out.
